INFP: predominantly poetry, or at least poetic prose. Lots of individualistic thought.
ENFP: deep thematic writing full of interesting unexpected metaphors as well as unusual plotlines.
INTP: usually a bit of a science-fiction edge, with a really interesting arc story and unexpected plot twists.
ENTP: basically their worldview in a fiction book, filled with only things they find interesting, and lots of new, exciting thoughts and connections. includes a twist ending almost always.
INFJ: deeply symbolic, very emotional and personal. goes under the surface of the topic to what it all means. few subplots.
ENFJ: creates very sympathetic characters, lots of analysis of the meaning of the events
INTJ: honest, direct prose, full of interesting plot turns as well as complex implications and criticisms of the real world.
ENTJ: lots of interesting critiques veiled in a complex plot
ISFP: usually poetic, often derived from personal experiences
ESFP: exciting and stimulating book without a lot of deeper analysis, but an extremely fun read
ISTP: action-focused book full of wild card characters and lots of snark and quirky humor
ESTP: action-filled book with sarcastic, fast-talking characters and lots of adventure
ISFJ: based on personal events and experiences, linear plotline with loveable characters
ESFJ: lots of intrigue, plot mostly derived from inter-personal drama
ISTJ: detail-oriented, with lots of world-building so that the reader has a complete understanding of how the world and characters work
ESTJ: complex world but simple plot with a clear message. lots of details about everything
움.. 읽어보니 나름 납득이 간다. entp나 intp 설명이. ㅋㅋㅋ 글은 안 쓰지만 만약 쓰게 되면, 플롯에 꼭 트위트스 넣을 것 같음. 그리고 캐릭터보다도 플롯위주, 이런 저런 것들을 마구 연결시킨 새로운 세계관 같은 게 좀 나올 듯. (쓰면서 보니 entp 스타일인가)
eiNTp인 나는 NT계 작가들 것을 친숙하고 재미있게 읽긴 하지만, 가슴을 훅 치는 먹먹함을 줬던 것들은 NF계 작가들이었음. 지금 생각나는 사람은 음... 마이클 커닝햄? ㅋ