Your Sociotype: ILI-1Ni (INTp) Intuitive Logical Introvert - The Critic
Using introverted intuition as his base function and extroverted thinking as his creative, the ILI is capable of deep and vivid imagery as well as the ability to analyze the correctness of conclusions. In fact, the ILI is excellent at critiquing everything from someone's statements and conclusions to the food he eats. They have an inherent understanding of the weak points in any argument, and they are particularly adept at identifying both empirical weaknesses and logical inconsistencies. As paradoxical as it might sound, the ILI has both the ability to foresee future trends and events, while at the same time refusing to make any assumptions that lack a thorough empirical backing. At his best, the ILI will act as a very useful advisor, pointing out weaknesses and flaws that he sees, while also making suggestions for improvements. At his worst, the ILI's penchant for deep and secluded thoughts, coupled with his refusal to sacrifice truth and accuracy in favor of diplomacy, can result in leaving him socially isolated.
나의 경우는 INTp가 나왔는데, 이게 MBTI기준으로는 INTJ에 해당한다고 한다. 그리고 두 번째로는 ENTP, 세 번째로는 ENTJ.
여기서 Quadras라고 쓰여진 4색 원, Ne, Ni, Ti, Te, Fe, Fi...등등을 네개 그룹으로 묶어놓고, 그 크기를 비교한 건데, 나님은 저 초록색이 제일 큰 듯. 그 초록색은 'Gamma'라고 불리는 듯함. 그 Gamma 안에 INTp 유형이 속해있기도 하다.
나머진 귀찮아서 지금 안 읽고 안 쓰겠다.
음..... 그러나 반드시 MBTI의 INTP와 SOCIONICS의 INTJ가 일치하는 건 아니라고 하니까, 어흏 그냥 나님은 이랬다저랬다하는 듯.
대충 Ni, Ne가 둘다 발달했는데, 실제로 내가 생활하면서 더 가치를 두는 쪽은 Ni인가 봄. 그냥 직관 존낸 발달하셨나보다 하고 일단 접어야겠다. 나중에 언젠가 파야징ㅋ